
Showing posts from January, 2022

How to Start Keto Correctly - Dr. Berg

                                                                                                                                                                  what are we trying to do we're trying to switch  what your body is running on as far as fuel-wise   so we want to switch from burning sugar fuel to  fat fuel there's this one hormone called insulin   which is the key to determine whether you're going  to burn fat or burn sugar so you want to keep it   low to burn fat when it goes higher your body  will burn sugar very simply lower your carbs   and eat less meals that's different than  lowering your calories now by eating less meals   you are going to lower your calories but that's  not the goal you could actually eat larger meals   just not as frequent why is it a good idea to  eat less frequent meals because every time you   eat you trigger insulin every time you eat carbs  you trigger insulin so we're just trying to lower   this insulin the combinatio